Home > On Expressive Muscle >Comparison to Other Beauty Methods

Having strong muscles while you are young can support the skin and fat

With the increase of age, the skin and fat will sag when muscles decline and so are unable to support it.And the orbicularis oris muscle (muscle around the mouth) is the muscle that does not age easily.Therefore, the sagging of fat and skin will be resisted here.The cheek muscle that falls on the orbicularis oris muscle is the nasolabial folds.

Give It a Try!

Put your finger into your mouth like the figure on the left.
Use your finger to pull your mouth to the side.
 At this ti me, the skin on your cheek and fat will form an obvious line on your orbicularis oris muscle. This is the nasolabial folds.

◆The expressive muscle has a definite stimulation point threshold

Feeling comfortable does not mean it is effective!
The expressive muscle possesses the requirement of a specific form and the characteristic to be able to step across the intense strength of the stimulation point to do regular training, to be able to do training.
The stimulation point is called the threshold, which is to say that the training method must be able to cause the strength to surpass the threshold to be able to exert training effectiveness. And it has the characteristic of declining when training is not continuous.

The reason for ineffectiveness of those popular beauty methods is because they are unable to allow the exercise force to reach the expressive muscle.  Allowing the exercise force to indeed affect the orbicularis oris muscle is the emphasis of training all kinds of facial muscles.


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